Monday, January 14, 2008

Be sure to look out for....

For those of you in the US who are, like me, very interested in movie adaptations of Jane's wonderful novels, Masterpiece Theater is airing last year's ITV production of Northanger Abbey this Sunday at 9:00 PM. I've already set Tivo to record it for me.

This movie and the others that aired during ITV's Jane Austen season are also being released in the US on DVD to correspond with their airing. They can be found on Amazon.


Northanger Abbey

Mansfield Park

If you don't want to wait for the DVDs, they are also posted in their entirety on YouTube. That's where I first watched them.

In my humble opinion, Persuasion and Northanger Abbey are definitive screen versions- matching the plots closely, and extremely well acted. I was less impressed with Mansfield Park, though it was very well done.


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